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December 13, 2024

I will hold one final VDOS Mock Theory Examination for residents in small animal dentistry and oral surgery on Saturday December 28 at 9AM ET. Participants will have 2.5 hours to complete 100 four-part multiple-choice questions, followed by a 2.5-hour discussion during which the correct answers are revealed.

September 11, 2024

Below I added information about the next Mock Theory Examination (Online) for residents in small animal dentistry and oral surgery:

  • Friday October 4 at 6PM ET, or

  • Saturday October 5 at 9AM ET (same 100 questions as on Oct. 4)​

August 29, 2024

The VDOS Mock Theory Examination for residents in small animal dentistry and oral surgery consists of 100 four-part multiple-choice questions, which may be accompanied by images (clinical photographs, radiographs, etc.). Participants are allowed 2.5 hours to complete the exam, which is designed to assess the participant's knowledge of the scientific literature relevant to dentistry and oral surgery. The proportion of content closely follows that of the theory exams of the AVDC and EVDC. The correct answers are revealed during a 2.5-hour discussion following the completion of the exam. Only the participants will know their exam performance. Unless stated otherwise, each exam is composed of entirely new questions. The next exam will take place:

  • Friday September 6 at 6PM ET, or

  • Saturday September 7 at 9AM ET (same 100 questions as on September 6)​​


March 26, 2024

A procedure discussion consists of discussing selected procedures in dentistry and oral surgery. This may be of particular interest to veterinarians that want to understand specific details of a procedure and residents preparing for the small animal practical exam of the AVDC or EVDC. Every step of a procedure performed on various teeth and regions in the mouth will be looked at in detail and discussed based on anticipated grading criteria.

  • Procedure Discussion (Endodontics) (Friday April 12 at 6PM ET)

  • Procedure Discussion (Restorative Dentistry/Prosthodontics/Orthodontics) (Saturday April 13 at 9AM ET)

  • Procedure Discussion (Periodontics) (Saturday April 13 at 2PM ET)

  • Procedure Discussion (Oral Surgery) (Sunday April 14 at 9AM ET) (OMFS)


23. Februar 2024

Die folgenden Zahn/Kiefer-Fortbildungen werden im Jahr 2024 bei Eickemeyer stattfinden:

  • Montag/Dienstag 18./19. MÓ“rz - Endodontie 2 (Eickemeyer, Tuttlingen, Deutschland)

  • Mittwoch 20. MÓ“rz - Restaurationen (Füllungen) und Prothetische Kronen 1 (Eickmeyer, Tuttlingen, Deutschland)

  • Mittwoch/Donnerstag 15./16. Mai – Einstieg in die Zahnmedizin beim Hund (Eickemeyer, Tuttlingen, Deutschland)

  • Mittwoch/Donnerstag 26./27. Juni – Einstieg in die Zahnmedizin bei der Katze (Eickmeyer, Tuttlingen, Deutschland)

  • Montag 14. Oktober – Endodontie 1 (Eickmeyer, Tuttlingen, Deutschland)

  • Dienstag 15. Oktober – Restaurationen (Füllungen) und Prothetische Kronen 1 (Eickmeyer, Tuttlingen, Deutschland)

  • Mittwoch 16. Oktober – Orthodontie (Eickmeyer, Tuttlingen, Deutschland)

  • Donnerstag 17. Oktober – Parodontologie 1 (Eickmeyer, Tuttlingen, Deutschland)

  • Freitag/Samstag 18./19. Oktober – Parodontologie 2 (Eickmeyer, Tuttlingen, Deutschland)

  • Montag/Dienstag 4./5. November – Zahnextraktion versus Zahnerhalt beim Hund (Eickmeyer, Tuttlingen, Deutschland)

  • Mittwoch/Donnerstag 6./7. November – Zahnextraktion versus Zahnerhalt bei der Katze (Eickmeyer, Tuttlingen, Deutschland)

  • Freitag-Montag 8.-11. November – Grundlagen der Onkologie bei Hund und Katze + Workshop “Orale und Maxillofaziale Onkologie” (Eickemeyer, Elaya Hotel, Oberursel und Seminarzentrum Kronberg, Deutschland; Dr. Martin Kessler wird die ersten zwei Tage allgemeine Onkologiethemen behandeln, danach gibt es den Hands-On Workshop in der oralen/maxillofazialen Onkochirurgie von Dr. Alexander Reiter)

January 29, 2024

An Advanced Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery Two Day Wet Lab will take place on Saturday/Sunday June 22/23 at the Silo Academy, Chadds Ford, PA, USA. Arising from a request from Diplomates with an interest in oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMFS), this is an opportunity to perform and discuss advanced maxillofacial surgeries with Drs. John Lewis and Alexander Reiter, founding fellows of the AVDC Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Fellowship. One day will be devoted to maxillofacial fracture repair with an emphasis in the lab on maxillofacial miniplates. One day will be devoted to oral surgical oncology. This event will count toward AVDC OMFS fellowship and AVDC resident-required specialist-in-training surgery hours.

January 9, 2024

A Mock Practical Examination will take place on Saturday/Sunday April 6/7 at the Silo Academy, Chadds Ford, PA, USA. Drs. Alexander Reiter and John Lewis will lead this session for dentistry residents preparing for their practical examination. This two-day experience will be offered to a limited number to allow for an excellent teacher/student ratio. Participants will bring their own equipment so they can simulate the real experience. High speed/low speed dental units will be provided without handpieces/ultrasonic tips/burs. Pre-event discussion with the instructor is encouraged to allow for a tailor-made experience that will strengthen weak areas of the individual participant. Strategies for time management and role of mindset will be discussed.

5. Dezember 2023


2024 wird die ÖGTZ 10 Jahre alt, und das wollen wir feiern!


Wer: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Tierärztliche Zahnheilkunde (ÖGTZ)

Was: ÖGTZ Kleintier-Jahrestagung (Programm; Anmeldung)

Wann: 20. und 21. April 2024

Wo: Landwirtschaftsschule, Hohenems, Vorarlberg, Österreich


Alle Tierärztinnen und Tierärzte sowie tierärztliche Ordinationsassistentinnen und -assistenten, die Interesse an der Zahn- und Kieferheilkunde beim Kleintier und Heimtier haben, sind herzlich eingeladen, mit uns dieses Wochenende, Neues auf diesem spannenden tiermedizinischen Gebiet in Theorie und Praxis zu lernen.


Es ist für jeden etwas dabei!


Angefangen von Kleintier Themen für Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene, welche auch einen Heimtier-Stream beinhaltet, wird 2024 wieder ein Kurs extra für die Ordinationsassistentinnen und -assistenten (TOA, TPA, TFA) angeboten. Samstagabend findet ein gemeinsames Abendessen in Rankweil im Hotel Firmament statt.


Wir würden uns sehr freuen, wenn wir Euer Interesse geweckt haben und wir möglichst viele von Euch am 20. und 21. April 2024 in Hohenems treffen werden.


Euer Organisationsteam

Dr. Alexander Reiter, Dr. Andrea Lackner-Oberle

November 18, 2023

The last 5-hour Mock Theory Examination (100 questions, 2.5-hour exam, followed by 2.5-hour discussion) for residents in small animal dentistry and oral surgery will take place at the beginning of December:


  • Friday December 1 at 6PM ET, or

  • Saturday December 2 at 9AM ET (same 100 questions as on Dec. 1)

October 29, 2023

A VDOS Mock Theory Examination for residents in equine dentistry and oral surgery will take place in mid-November. It consists of 100 four-part multiple-choice questions, which may be accompanied by images (clinical photographs, radiographs, etc.). Participants are allowed 2.5 hours to complete the exam, which is designed to assess the participant's knowledge of the scientific literature relevant to dentistry and oral surgery. The proportion of content closely follows that of the theory exams of the AVDC and EVDC. The correct answers are revealed during a 2.5-hour discussion following the completion of the exam. Only the participants will know their exam performance. Unless stated otherwise, each exam is composed of entirely new questions.


  • Friday November 17 at 6PM ET, or

  • Saturday November 18 at 9AM ET (same 100 questions as on Nov. 17)

October 1, 2023

The VDOS Mock Theory Examination for residents in small animal dentistry and oral surgery consists of 100 four-part multiple-choice questions, which may be accompanied by images (clinical photographs, radiographs, etc.). Participants are allowed 2.5 hours to complete the exam, which is designed to assess the participant's knowledge of the scientific literature relevant to dentistry and oral surgery. The proportion of content closely follows that of the theory exams of the AVDC and EVDC. The correct answers are revealed during a 2.5-hour discussion following the completion of the exam. Only the participants will know their exam performance. Unless stated otherwise, each exam is composed of entirely new questions.


  • Friday November 3 at 6PM ET, or

  • Saturday November 4 at 9AM ET (same 100 questions as on Nov. 3)

September 9, 2023

The next 2.5-hour Clinical Rounds/Journal Clubs events (November 13 at 2PM ET or November 13 at 6PM ET) will be about Dental Diagnostic Imaging, discussing scientific articles about the use of dental diagnostic imaging in dental/oral anatomy, age determination, periodontal and endodontic diseases, detection of tooth resorption, etc. Choose between two different start times:


  • Monday November 13 at 2PM ET – Clinical Rounds/Journal Clubs (Dental Diagnostic Imaging)

  • Monday November 13 at 6PM ET – Clinical Rounds/Journal Clubs (Dental Diagnostic Imaging)


These events are not only for residents in preparation for the AVDC or EVDC theory examination but also for Diplomates and others that want to keep abreast of important knowledge in the diagnosis and treatment of the various manifestations of periodontal disease.

July 31, 2023

Advanced diagnostic imaging enthusiasts, I have scheduled another 2-hour Reading Oral/Maxillofacial CT event in October. Choose between two different start times:


  • October 13 at 6PM ET, or

  • October 14 at 9AM ET


Do you struggle interpreting oral and maxillofacial pathology on CT images? Let's review several different conditions in dogs and cats on transverse, dorsal, sagittal, and 3D reconstructed images! This recurring 2-hour VDOS event will expand on the webinar Essentials of Oral/Maxillofacial CT which should ideally have been attended earlier (October 6 at 6PM ET or October 7 at 9AM ET). CT scans of various oral and maxillofacial conditions will be discussed (dental and periodontal pathology, oral inflammatory disease, fracture of the jaw and skull, temporomandibular joint pathology, masticatory muscle myositis, oral and maxillofacial neoplasia, and salivary gland disease).

July 30, 2023

Understand how to evaluate a dental radiographic image, be able to differentiate anatomy from pathology, and describe the abnormalities in a systematic fashion by demystifying the many shades of gray! Choose between two different start times for 2-hour Dental Radiography Interpretation Rounds:


  • August 23 at 2PM ET, or

  • August 23 at 6PM ET


This 2-hour VDOS online event is intended to improve your skills in interpreting dental radiographic images obtained from dogs and cats. Numerous case examples will be shown, covering many different pathologies (such as periodontal disease, tooth resorption, dentoalveolar injuries, endodontic/periapical pathology, jaw fractures, oral tumors, etc.). Interactive participation is encouraged but not needed. The event is recurring, and different case examples will be shown in future rounds.

July 24, 2023

The next 2.5-hour Clinical Rounds/Journal Clubs events (August 21 at 2PM ET or August 21 at 6PM ET) will be about Oral/Maxillofacial Diagnostic Imaging, discussing scientific articles about the comparative use of diagnostic imaging in oral/maxillofacial medicine and surgery, covering maxillofacial trauma, temporomandibular joint disorders, oral tumors, regional lymph node involvement, salivary gland diseases, masticatory muscle myositis, etc. Choose between two different start times:


  • Monday August 21 at 2PM ET – Clinical Rounds/Journal Clubs (Oral/Maxillofacial Diagnostic Imaging)

  • Monday August 21 at 6PM ET – Clinical Rounds/Journal Clubs (Oral/Maxillofacial Diagnostic Imaging)


These events are not only for residents in preparation for the AVDC or EVDC theory examination but also for Diplomates and others that want to keep abreast of important knowledge in the diagnosis and treatment of the various manifestations of periodontal disease.

July 21, 2023

Dates and times for basic and intermediate webinars were just posted to take place on the weekends of July 29/30, August 12/13, and August 26/27:


  • Common dental and oral pathology (July 29 at 9AM ET)

  • Oral examination and charting (July 29 at 11AM ET)

  • Dental radiography and interpretation (July 30 at 9AM ET)

  • Dental cleaning and periodontal therapy (July 30 at 11AM ET)

  • Home oral hygiene strategies (August 12 at 9AM ET)

  • Dental nerve blocks (regional analgesia) (August 12 at 11AM ET)

  • Focus on tooth resorption and stomatitis (August 13 at 9AM ET)

  • Closed and open tooth extraction (August 13 at 11AM ET)

  • Managing tooth extraction complications (August 26 at 9AM ET)

  • Perioperative considerations in dentistry (August 26 at 11AM ET)

  • Triaging dental and oral emergencies (August 27 at 9AM ET) (OMFS)

  • Small mammal and exotic animal dentistry (August 27 at 11AM ET)

July 17, 2023

The VDOS Mock Theory Examination consists of 100 four-part multiple-choice questions, which may be accompanied by images (clinical photographs, radiographs, etc.). Participants are allowed 2.5 hours to complete the exam, which is designed to assess the participant's knowledge of the scientific literature relevant to dentistry and oral surgery. The proportion of content closely follows that of the theory exams of the AVDC and EVDC. The correct answers are revealed during a 2.5-hour discussion following the completion of the exam. Only the participants will know their exam performance. Unless stated otherwise, each exam is composed of entirely new questions.


  • Friday August 18 at 6PM ET, or

  • Saturday August 19 at 9AM ET (same 100 questions)

July 2, 2023

Thinking about investing in the most lucrative discipline of veterinary medicine by Starting Small Animal Dentistry? Choose between two different start times:


  • July 24 at 2PM ET, or

  • July 24 at 8PM ET


Do the math, get the tools, and become profitable by adding dentistry to your general practice! This free webinar will introduce you to the world of small animal dentistry and oral surgery. It will explain what equipment, instruments, materials, knowledge and practical skills are needed to become profitable in the most lucrative discipline of veterinary medicine.

May 29, 2023

The next Clinical Rounds/Journal Clubs events (July 21 at 6PM ET or July 22 at 9AM ET) will be on Oral/Maxillofacial Trauma - Soft Tissues, discussing scientific articles about lacerations, degloving injuries, bite injuries, burns, projectile trauma, foreign bodies, etc. of the oral mucosa, lip, cheek, tongue, sublingual region, palate, oropharynx, retrobulbar space, and upper neck.

  • Friday July 21 at 6PM ET – Clinical Rounds/Journal Clubs (Oral/Maxillofacial Trauma – Soft Tissues)

  • Saturday July 22 at 9AM ET – Clinical Rounds/Journal Clubs (Oral/Maxillofacial Trauma – Soft Tissues)


These events are not only for residents in preparation for the AVDC or EVDC theory examination but also for Diplomates and others that want to keep abreast of important knowledge in the diagnosis and treatment of oral/maxillofacial soft tissue trauma.

April 3, 2023

Procedure discussions (each consisting of a 3.5-hour recording followed by a 0.5-hour live Q&A session) will be offered in early May. This may be of particular interest to veterinarians that want to understand specific details of a procedure and residents preparing for the small animal practical examination of the AVDC or EVDC.

  • Procedure Discussion (Endodontics) (May 5 at 6PM ET)

  • Procedure Discussion (Restorative Dentistry/Prosthodontics/Orthodontics) (May 6 at 9AM ET)

  • Procedure Discussion (Periodontics) (May 6 at 2PM ET)

  • Procedure Discussion (Oral Surgery) (May 7 at 9AM ET) (OMFS)

March 31, 2023

An online Mock Theory Examination will be taking place on Saturday April 8 at 9AM ET. The VDOS mock theory exam consists of 100 four-part multiple-choice questions, which may be accompanied by images (clinical photographs, radiographs, etc.). Participants are allowed 2.5 hours to complete the exam, which is designed to assess their knowledge of the scientific literature relevant to dentistry and oral surgery (focus on small animals). The correct answers are revealed following completion of the exam during a 2.5-hour discussion. Only the participants will know their exam performance.

February 26, 2023

Fraser Hale, DVM, Dipl. AVDC recently launched a new website where you can find an abundance of information about oral pathology in cats and dogs, the "practice" of anesthesia-free dentistry, and lots of CE opportunities. Please take a look at it, you won't be disappointed!

January 22, 2023

Residents and veterinarians with an interest to specialize in small animal dentistry and oral surgery, consider the below continuing education (CE) opportunities as long as spots are available:


  • Friday-Sunday March 24-26, 2023 The Drill – Ultimate Dental Training Experience, with demonstration and practice of advanced procedures (most of which may come to the AVDC/EVDC exams) in periodontal surgery, restorative dentistry, prosthodontics, orthodontics, and retrograde endodontics at the Animal Dental Training Center in Towson, MD, USA.

  • Saturday and Sunday May 20 and 21, 2023 Mock Practical Examination, with provision of individualized practical tests (i.e., depending on the core disciplines examinees would like to be evaluated on), constructive feedback of performance, and demonstration of selected procedures at the Silo Academy in Chadds Ford, PA, USA.

January 21, 2023

Several courses in small animal dentistry and oral surgery will be taking place at Eickemeyer’s Training Center in Tuttlingen, Germany. The course language will be English. However, I will provide handouts of my Powerpoint presentations in both English and German (please indicate the preferred language when registering). Also, I will speak in both languages as needed during the hands-on wet lab portion of the courses. [Korrektur 3. April 2023: Alle verbleibenden Eickemeyer-Kurse werden auf Deutsch abgehalten.]


  • Montag und Dienstag 6. und 7. März 2023 – Orale und Maxillofaziale Onkologie 1

  • Montag und Dienstag 13. und 14. März 2023 – Orales und Maxillofaziales Trauma 1

  • Mittwoch und Donnerstag 3. und 4. Mai 2023 – Orale und Maxillofaziale Onkologie 2

  • Sontag 2. Juli 2023 – Endodontie 1

  • Montag 3. Juli 2023 – Restaurationen und prosthetische Kronen 1

  • Dienstag 4. Juli 2023 – Orthodontie

  • Samstag und Sonntag 9. und 10. September 2023 – Orales und Maxillofaziales Trauma 2

  • Montag und Dienstag 16. und 17. Oktober 2023 – Orales und Maxillofaziales Trauma 3

January 12, 2023

Procedure discussions (each consisting of a 3.5-hour recording followed by a 0.5-hour live Q&A session) will be offered in early February. This may be of particular interest to veterinarians that want to understand specific details of a procedure and residents preparing for the small animal practical examination of the AVDC or EVDC.


  • Procedure Discussion (Endodontics) (February 3 at 6PM ET)

  • Procedure Discussion (Restorative Dentistry/Prosthodontics/Orthodontics) (February 4 at 9AM ET)

  • Procedure Discussion (Periodontics) (February 4 at 2PM ET)

  • Procedure Discussion (Oral Surgery) (February 5 at 9AM ET) (OMFS)

October 27, 2022

A mock theory exam session consists of 100 four-part multiple-choice questions, which may be accompanied by images (clinical photographs, radiographs, etc.). Participants are allowed 2.5 hours to complete the exam, which is followed by a 2.5-hour discussion to reveal the correct answers. Only the participants will know their exam performance. Unless stated otherwise, each exam is composed of entirely new questions. There will be one more mock theory exam for small animal residents as well as the first mock theory exam for equine residents:


  • November 11 at 6PM ET (Small Animal)

  • November 12 at 9AM ET (Small Animal; same questions as in the exam on November 11)


  • December 2 at 6PM ET (Equine)

  • December 3 at 9AM ET (Equine; same questions as in the exam on December 2)

October 10, 2022

Ich möchte auf die folgenden Fortbildungsveranstaltungen in der Zahn- und Kieferchirurgie beim Klein-/Heimtier und Pferd im deutschen Sprachraum aufmerksam machen:

  • Diese Woche noch findet in Berlin, Deutschland die DGT-Tagung statt: Donnerstag 13. Oktober – DGT Fachtagung (im Rahmen des DVF Vet-Congress; Estrel Congress Center, Berlin, Deutschland)

  • Einmal monatlich an einem Dienstag um 20 Uhr MEZ findet der online Jour Fixe statt mit Fallvorstellungen und Fachvorträgen. Um an dieser 2,5-stündigen Veranstaltung kostenlos teilnehmen zu können, bitte vorher Mitglied bei der ÖGTZ (Österreich), SSVD (Schweiz) oder DGT (Deutschland) werden, um die Zugangsdaten zu erhalten. Verbleibende Jour Fixe Termine im Jahr 2022: 18. Oktober, 15. November und 13. Dezember

  • Im November findet in Linz, Österreich die ÖGTZ-Tagung statt (Tierärzte und HelferInnen): Freitag-Sonntag 18.-20. November – ÖGTZ Tagung (Tillysburg und Arcotel Linz, Österreich; Anmeldung für Mitglieder und Nicht-Mitglieder)

  • Im Dezember findet in Tuttlingen, Deutschland ein Onchochirurgiekurs statt: Freitag/Samstag 9./10. Dezember – Orale und Maxillofaziale Onkologie beim Kleintier – Fortgeschrittenenkurs (2-Tage Fortgeschrittenenkurs; Eickemeyer, Tuttlingen, Deutschland)

  • Im Jänner findet in Baden, Schweiz der SSVD Kongress statt: Samstag 21. Januar – SSVD Kongress für TÄ und SSVD Kongress für TPA (Trafo, Baden, Schweiz)

August 3, 2022

  • The focus for the second half of the year will be on CT webinars (essentials should ideally be taken before any reading sessions), mock theory exams (residents), and clinical rounds/journal clubs (residents and vets that want to keep up with current knowledge). All other webinars are in the process of being recorded. An announcement will be made once the full on demand program is available.

  • All August events:

Monday August 8 at 2PM ET – Essentials of Oral/Maxillofacial CT

Monday August 8 at 8PM ET – Essentials of Oral/Maxillofacial CT (same webinar as at 2PM)

Monday August 15 at 2PM ET – Reading Oral and Maxillofacial CT

Monday August 15 at 8PM ET – Reading Oral and Maxillofacial CT (same webinar as at 2PM)

Friday August 26 at 6PM ET – Mock Theory Examination (residents)

Saturday August 27 at 9AM ET – Mock Theory Examination (residents; same 100 questions as on August 26)

July 26, 2022

  • Ich gebe einen 5-Tage Intensivkurs über Orales und Maxillofaziales Trauma beim Kleintier am 1.-5. September bei Eickemeyer in Tuttlingen, Deutschland (33 ATF-Stunden). Themen: Chirurgische und endodontische Versorgung von Zahndisplazierungen (Luxation, Avulsion); Behandlung von Lippenavulsionen und oralen Weichteillazerationen; Diagnose und Behandlung von oropharyngealer Fremdkörperpenetration; Resektion von Speicheldrüsen infolge salivärer Mukozele (Sialozele); Behandlung von traumatischen Gaumenspalten; Drahtzerklage zur Behebung von mandibulärer Symphysentrennung; Nichtinvasive Behandlungsmethoden (Schnauzenhalfter, Nähte durch Lippenknöpfe); Interdentale Verdrahtungen und Kompositsplints fuer Kieferfrakturen; Behandlung von Kiefergelenksluxation, Kiefersperre mit offenem Maul und Kiefergelenksankylose; Alternativen zur transoralen Intubation (transmylohyoid, Pharyngotomy, Tracheotomy); Intraossäre/transfragmentäre Drähte, externe skelettale Fixation und Miniplatten zur Kieferfrakturbehandlung; Anwendung von Rekonstruktionsplatten und Knochenersatz zur Kieferrekonstruktion. Man kann nun auch einzelne Tage buchen: Tag 1, Tag 2, Tag 3, Tag 4 sowie Tag 5.

May 12, 2022

  • Ich gebe einen Anfängerkurs über Orale und Maxillofaziale Onkologie beim Kleintier am 1. und 2. Juli bei Eickemeyer in Tuttlingen, Deutschland (13 ATF-Stunden). Themen: Häufigste orale und maxillofaziale Tumoren beim Kleintier; Aufarbeitung des Tumorpatienten und Lymphknotenresektion; Partielle Resektion der Zunge, Lippe und Backe; Tonsillektomie; Rostrale Mandibulektomie, dorsale marginale Mandibulektomie und rostrale Maxillektomie; Lokale Lappentechniken zum Verschluss von Resektionswunden; Zusammenarbeit mit Onkologen (Chemotherapie, Strahlentherapie, Immunotherapie); Setzung von Fütterungssonden (nasoösophageal, Ösophagostomie). Der Fortgeschrittenenkurs findet am 9. und 10. Dezember statt.

April 28, 2022

  • For Diplomates and Senior Residents (limited to 8 attendees) interested in oral and maxillofacial surgery (OMFS), an Advanced Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Wet Lab will take place at the Silo Academy Education Center in Chadds Ford, PA, USA on June 25 and 26. Day 1 will cover surgical approaches to perform maxillectomy/mandibulectomy for a variety of simulated tumors. Day 2 will cover surgical approaches for the use of miniplates in mandibular fracture repair. This event will count toward OMFS fellowship- and resident-required surgery hours.

April 25, 2022

  • Ich gebe ein Seminar mit Fokus auf Zahnextraktion, Komplikationsmanagement und Kieferresektion beim Kleintier am 3. und 4. Mai 2022 bei Eickemeyer in Tuttlingen, Deutschland (13 ATF-Stunden).

April 20, 2022

  • Free webinars on Starting Small Animal Dentistry take place on May 20 at 2PM ET and May 20 at 8PM ET.

  • Basic, intermediate and advanced webinars will be given on the weekends of May 28/29, June 18/19, and July 16/17. Please go to Book Online for further information and registration.

  • The next Clinical Rounds/Journal Clubs events (June 3 at 6PM ET or June 4 at 9AM ET) will be on Tooth Extraction and Associated Management in Cats and Dogs, discussing scientific articles about extraction techniques, suture patterns, complications such as root remnants, oronasal fistula and iatrogenic jaw fractures, grafting of extraction sites, pain management, etc.

  • The next Reading Oral and Maxillofacial CT sessions will take place June 10 at 6PM ET or June 11 at 9AM ET. If you do not have basic knowledge about computed tomography (CT), you will greatly benefit by first attending the Essentials of Oral and Maxillofacial CT webinar on May 28 at 3PM ET.

February 24, 2022

February 22, 2022

  • John Lewis and I will give a Mock Practical Examination for residents at the Silo Academy Education Center in Chadds Ford, PA on the weekend of April 23/24.

  • I strongly recommend that the online Procedure Discussions in Endodontics on March 5 at 9AM ET, Restorative Dentistry/Prosthodontics/Orthodontics on March 5 at 2PM ET, Periodontics on March 6 at 9AM ET, and Oral Surgery on March 6 at 2PM ET be attended before having in person procedure demonstration sessions or mock practical examinations with me.

January 28, 2022

  • Congratulations to all that passed the AVDC phase 1 examination! Those that did not, don't let the words "weak" or "very weak" distract you from who you are. A valuable person! Think of studying that it improved your knowledge, and consider further learning as an opportunity to become smarter than your peers. Your time will come!

January 4, 2022

  • Basic, intermediate and advanced webinars will be given on the weekends of January 22/23, February 5/6, and February 19/20. Please go to Book Online for further information and registration.

  • The next Reading Oral and Maxillofacial CT sessions will take place January 28 at 6PM ET or January 29 at 9AM ET. If you do not have basic knowledge about computed tomography (CT), you will greatly benefit by first attending the Essentials of Oral and Maxillofacial CT webinar on January 22 at 3PM ET.

  • The next Clinical Rounds/Journal Clubs events (February 18 at 6PM ET or February 19 at 9AM ET) will be on Evidence-Based Oral Hygiene in Cats and Dogs, discussing scientific articles about plaque/calculus preventative measures, including post-cleaning coronal coating, tooth brushing, dental diets, chews, treats and toys, oral rinses, gels and toothpastes, food and drinking water additives, etc.

January 1, 2022

  • Happy New Year to all of you!!! Stay physically healthy and mentally sound!

November 20, 2021

  • Please note that I will implement deadlines for registration of longer online events (such as Mock Theory Examinations and Procedure Discussions). I hope that by doing so interested folks will be encouraged to sign up several days prior to the event, which will allow me to plan my time better with the knowledge that there is an audience when I start the event. Thank you for your understanding!

  • In 2022 I will provide in person training again in preparation for the practical parts of the AVDC and EVDC entry examinations. To save time and money, I recommend that the online Procedure Discussions in Endodontics on December 4 at 9AM ET, Restorative Dentistry/Prosthodontics/Orthodontics on December 4 at 2PM ET, Periodontics on December 5 at 9AM ET, and Oral Surgery on December 5 at 2PM ET are attended before signing up for procedure demonstration sessions or mock practical examinations.

  • There is one more Mock Theory Exam planned (January 7 at 6PM ET or January 8 at 9AM ET; same 100 entirely new questions) prior to the AVDC Phase 1 Exam one week later.

October 30, 2021

  • A list of publications discussed during the Clinical Rounds/Journal Clubs event yesterday and today (Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma) is now available in Books and Scientific Journals (you can find it by scrolling down to the bottom).

September 6, 2021

  • A list of publications discussed during the Clinical Rounds/Journal Clubs event earlier this month (Systemic Effects of Oral Disease) is now available in Books and Scientific Journals (you can find it by scrolling down to the bottom).

August 1, 2021

  • New dates were added for Reading Oral and Maxillofacial CT on August 20 at 8PM ET or August 21 at 9AM ET) (you can choose between a PM or AM start time). If you have not yet done previously, please attend first the webinar on Computed Tomography of the Head on August 6 at 8PM ET or August 7 at 9AM ET to understand the basics about CT.

  • The next Clinical Rounds/Journal Clubs event is about Systemic Effects of Oral Disease and will take place September 3 at 6PM ET or September 4 at 9AM ET (you can choose between a PM or AM start time).

July 26, 2021

  • A list of publications discussed during the Clinical Rounds/Journal Clubs event earlier this month (Salivary Gland Disorders) is now available in Books and Scientific Journals (you can find it by scrolling down to the bottom).

May 27, 2021

  • Veterinarians enrolled in a residency program of the AVDC may count up to 16 hours of OMFS-designated CE offered by VDOS Consulting LLC to fulfill the surgery training requirement (i.e., surgery SIT time).

May 15, 2021

  • This weekend we mark 1-year anniversary of launching the website with 17,939 visits made by 9,080 unique visitors. I hope you enjoyed the webinars offered thus far in veterinary dentistry and oral surgery. Please stay healthy and safe!

May 11, 2021

  • Residents enrolled in a residency program of the AVDC may count up to 16 hours of OMFS-designated CE related to surgery to fulfill the surgery training requirement (i.e., surgery SIT time).

  • Please note that veterinarians enrolled in an OMFS fellowship program of the AVDC may count up to 10 hours of OMFS-designated CE to fulfill credential requirements listed in the AVDC OMFS Fellowship Minimum Standards Guidelines (numeral VI.E.).

  • The Academy of Veterinary Dental Technicians (AVDT) may approve 1 hour per webinar topic (e.g., endodontics, prosthodontics, orthodontics, oral surgery, oral pathology, advanced periodontal therapy, and equipment maintenance/instrument care) and a maximum of 6 hours of virtual lectures to fulfill VTS credential requirements. However, no lab hours can be obtained virtually.

April 18, 2021

  • A new webinar was added to the syllabus: Ergonomics in the Dental Profession on April 29 at 6PM ET

  • The last Procedure Discussions prior to the phase 2 (practical) examination of the AVDC will take place May 1 (Endodontics), May 2 (Restorative Dentistry/Prosthodontics/Orthodontics), May 15 (Periodontics), and May 16 (Oral Surgery). They all start at 3PM ET and last 3.5 hours.

  • The next Clinical Rounds/Journal Clubs event is about Salivary Gland Disorders and will take place July 9 at 6PM ET or July 10 at 9AM ET (you can choose between a PM or AM start time).

  • Traffic update 11 months after the website launch: 17,042 visits made by 8,836 unique visitors.

March 15, 2021

  • The next Clinical Rounds/Journal Clubs event is about Mandibular Reconstruction and will take place April 9 at 6PM ET or April 10 at 9AM ET (you can choose between a PM or AM start time).

  • Traffic update 10 months after the website launch: 15,428 visits made by 8,160 unique visitors.

March 7, 2021

  • A list of publications discussed during the Clinical Rounds/Journal Clubs event in March (Temporomandibular Joint Disorders and Differential Diagnoses) is now available in Books and Scientific Journals (you can find it by scrolling down to the bottom).

February 19, 2021

  • A list of publications discussed during the Clinical Rounds/Journal Clubs event in January (Equine Odontoclastic Tooth Resorption and Hypercementosis [EOTRH]) is now available in Books and Scientific Journals (you can find it by scrolling down to the bottom).

  • Please also take a look at Foundations and Societies and let me know if the VDOS organization in your country is not listed (check at the bottom). I would appreciate if you can send me the name and website address.

  • New dates for webinars, clinical rounds/journal clubs, and procedure discussions were added on Veterinarians and Technicians. To register please go to Book Online. All events will take place at ET = Eastern Time (Philadelphia). If you are unsure about the start time of an event in your time zone, please go to Time Converter.

  • Traffic update 9 months after the website launch: 14,242 visits made by 7,535 unique visitors.

December 16, 2020

  • I added lists of publications discussed during past Clinical Rounds/Journal Clubs on the Resources page under the Books and Scientific Journals subpage. The PDFs can be downloaded.

  • Here is another traffic update 7 months after the website launch: 12,808 visits made by 6,770 unique visitors.

November 19, 2020

  • 6 months have passed since launching the website, and there have been 11,992 visits (this includes multiple visits by the same visitor), which were made by 6,360 unique visitors.

  • I am in the process of renewing all webinars with inclusion of video material. Because this takes quite a lot of time, I reduced the number of webinars offered for the remainder of 2020. Clinical rounds/journal clubs and mock theory exams are not affected by this decision.

October 16, 2020

  • It has been 5 months since launching the website, and there have been 10,549 visits (this includes multiple visits by the same visitor) made by 5,610 unique visitors.

  • New dates were added for webinars in November and December, and the first clinical rounds/journal clubs event in 2021 will be dedicated to topics in Equine Dentistry and Oral Surgery (PM and AM)!

  • Also, another mock theory examination will take place in December and one more in January the weekend prior to the AVDC phase 1 examination.

  • On the registration page of all future events you will now also find a line "Name of Employer/Company (optional)", which may be helpful when filing tax returns, etc.

October 1, 2020

  • New dates were added for webinars, clinical rounds/journal clubs (Tooth Resorption PM and AM; Congenital Palate Defects PM and AM), and other events in November and December.

  • Mock theory examinations held in July, August and October will be repeated for those that were unable to attend previously (same questions), and several new mock theory examinations were added (new questions).

September 12, 2020

  • It has been less than 4 months since launching the website, and there have been 9,100 visits (this includes multiple visits by the same visitor) made by 5,068 unique visitors.

  • Please note that the Veterinary Dental Forum in 2020 will be offered as an online virtual event. The Foundation for Veterinary Dentistry would like to share this unique educational experience with as many veterinary students as possible, by waiving the registration fee for the first 500 veterinary students to attend this premier meeting from Friday October 30 to Saturday November 7 at no cost. Please go to the following link for further information:

August 16, 2020

  • Today we mark 3 months since the launch of the website, and there have been 7,227 visits made by 4,323 unique visitors.

  • New dates were added for Maintenance of Equipment in Dentistry (Part 1 and Part 2) and Assisting with Dentistry and Oral Surgery (Part 1 and Part 2), for Clinical Rounds/Journal Clubs (Operative Dentistry PM and Operative Dentistry AM and Locoregional Analgesia PM and Locoregional Analgesia PM), and for Procedure Discussions (Endodontics, Restorative Dentistry/Prosthodontics/Orthodontics, Oral Surgery, Periodontics).

August 4, 2020

  • Nowhere else will you get high-quality 1-hour webinars (which last 1 hour and 20 minutes) and 1.5-hour webinars (which last 1 hour and 50 minutes) for $19.99 and $29.99, respectively (with live interaction between the speaker and the audience). These are introductory fees that will last until October.

July 28, 2020

  • New dates for basic, intermediate and advanced webinars (in English) were added for (the end of) August, September and October. They start at 1PM ET (Philadelphia), which would be 7PM in most of Europe (6PM in the UK, 8PM in Romania, etc.).

  • I added a new webinar on Managing Tooth Extraction Complications.

July 19, 2020

  • Today we mark 8 weeks since the launch of the website, and there have been 5,541 visits made by 3,357 unique visitors. Thanks!

  • Clinical Rounds/Journal Clubs (Orthodontics) on July 31 (6PM ET) will be repeated August 1 (9AM ET), so you can choose between a PM or AM event.

  • Clinical Rounds/Journal Clubs (Endodontics) on August 14 (6PM ET) will be repeated August 15 (9AM ET), so you can choose between a PM or AM event.

  • A new date for a Mock Theory Examination for Residents on August 22 (9AM ET) has been posted.

July 5, 2020

  • New dates for basic, intermediate and advanced webinars (in English), procedure discussions (in English), a mock theory exam (in English), clinical rounds/journal clubs (in English), and a Jour Fixe (in German) were added for the months of July and August.

  • The topics of the Clinical Rounds/Journal Clubs event on July 31 (6PM ET) belong to the discipline of Orthodontics and include common malocclusions seen in dogs and cats and the use of inclined planes, crown extensions, and active force appliances.

  • The topics of the Clinical Rounds/Journal Clubs event on August 14 (6PM ET) belong to the discipline of Endodontics and include dentoalveolar injuries, endodontic and periapical disease, vital pulp therapy, standard root canal therapy, apicoectomy and retrograde filling, and respective material science.

June 24, 2020

  • I decided to repeat the Clinical Rounds/Journal Clubs event on Oral Inflammation with the same topics (alveolar bone expansion, feline and canine stomatitis, pyogenic granuloma, eosinophilic granuloma, and osteomyelitis/osteonecrosis) on Friday July 3 at 6PM ET (Philadelphia) which will be Saturday July 4 morning/noon in New Zealand, Australia, Taiwan, Japan, China, etc.

  • Some people asked me whether it is possible to avoid paying a service fee each time an order is being made, e.g., if a person registers for several webinars at once. It does not matter whether you pay a service fee for each webinar or, if offered, for all webinars together because it is a percentage (2.5%) on ticket sales obtained by the website provider.

June 21, 2020

  • New dates for several of the events were added in the evening hours Eastern Time (Philadelphia), which is morning/noon the following day for those folks living on the other side of the globe. Please make sure that you know the exact start time of the event in your time zone!

  • I added a new webinar on Triaging Dental and Oral Emergencies.

  • Some have asked me whether the events will be recorded. No, there are no plans of recording any of the live events at this time for privacy and other reasons.

  • Der ÖGTZ Jour Fixe am Dienstag, den 23. Juni um 20 Uhr mitteleuropäischer Zeit ist für ÖGTZ-Nichtmitglieder weiterhin kostenlos zugänglich. Thema: Anwendung von Computertomographie (CT) und Cone-Beam CT in der Zahn-/Kieferchirurgie und oralen/maxillofazialen Chirurgie beim Klein- und Heimtier.

May 27, 2020

  • On the "Vets and Techs" subpage of the "Services" page, I added the dates for each of the events. They are clickable and lead straight to the event descriptions.

May 25, 2020

  • Der ÖGTZ Jour Fixe am Dienstag, den 26. Mai um 19 Uhr mitteleuropäischer Zeit ist jetzt auch für ÖGTZ-Nichtmitglieder kostenlos zugänglich. Thema: Zahn- und Kieferröntgen beim Kleintier - Aufnahmetechniken und Interpretation.

May 23, 2020

  • First of all, I want to thank everybody that wrote a testimonial. Your kind words are very special and encourage me to continue the way I share knowledge. Those that would like to write a testimonial but have not yet found time to do so, there is no rush!

  • It has been less than a week that the website is online. I have not yet made an announcement on social media, but over 800 visits were recorded thus far.

  • Some of you were unsuccessful to book an event, or it took many attempts until the booking finally worked. When I look up the failed transactions, it says that they were declined by the payment provider (e.g., credit card company) because it was thought they were fraudulent. Some of you were told by your payment provider that the merchant did not allow the purchase to go through. I asked my website provider to investigate the problem. Please reach out to me if you cannot book an event so that we can find alternative payment options.

  • Some have asked whether the events will be repeated. Yes, they will be offered several times a year. Visitors from the other side of the globe mentioned that several events take place when they are sleeping. I will soon be offering events during the evening hours my time which will be morning hours in New Zealand, Australia, Japan, Taiwan, China, etc. Please keep checking on Book Online.

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