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Anchor 9

We are dedicated to enhancing the small animal dentistry and oral surgery knowledge base of veterinarians, their staff members, and human dental/oral health professionals by providing continuing education (CE) to fill a void in the availability of learning opportunities that are convenient and economical. The topics are scientific and designed to elevate the quality of dental and oral surgical services that are performed in veterinary practices while also helping to satisfy CE requirements.

"A world of knowledge at your fingertips."

Anchor 1

Continuing Education (CE)

​CE is provided individually or in groups, online or in person. Online CE is held via Zoom and/or Microsoft Teams, and instructions on how to connect will be provided once payment has been made. We accept Credit/Debit Cards with fully integrated and secure payment processing, PayPal accounts, wire transfers, personal checks, and travelers checks. Please contact us if you wish to pay in any other form.


Veterinarians enrolled in a residency program of the AVDC may count up to 20 hours of OMFS-designated CE related to surgery to fulfill the surgery training requirement (i.e., surgery SIT time) and up to 4 hours of Advanced Imaging-designated CE related to radiology to fulfill the radiology training requirement (i.e., radiology SIT time).


Candidates enrolled in an OMFS fellowship program of the AVDC may count up to 10 hours of OMFS-designated CE related to surgery or diagnostic imaging to fulfill credential requirements listed in the AVDC OMFS Fellowship Minimum Standards Guidelines (numeral VI.E.).


The Academy of Veterinary Dental Technicians (AVDT) may approve 1 hour per webinar topic (endodontics, prosthodontics, orthodontics, oral surgery, oral pathology, advanced periodontal therapy, and equipment maintenance/instrument care) and a maximum of 6 hours of virtual lectures to fulfill VTS credential requirements. However, no lab hours can be obtained virtually.


All times shown relate to the Eastern Time (ET, EDT or EST) zone!

Anchor 3
Anchor 10

For veterinarians (any other online events for veterinary technicians/nurses and dental hygienists can of course also be attended) (TBA = To be announced)

  • Basic classes

    • Starting small animal dentistry - Free Webinar (TBA)

    • Common dental and oral pathology (TBA)

    • Ergonomics in the dental profession (TBA)

    • Maintenance of equipment in dentistry: Part 1 (TBA)

    • Maintenance of equipment in dentistry: Part 2 (TBA)

    • Assisting with dentistry and oral surgery: Part 1 (TBA)

    • Assisting with dentistry and oral surgery: Part 2 (TBA)

    • Oral examination and charting (TBA)

    • Dental radiography and interpretation (TBA)

    • Dental cleaning and periodontal therapy (TBA)

    • Home oral hygiene strategies (TBA)

  • Intermediate classes (including small mammals and exotic animals)

    • Dental nerve blocks (regional analgesia) (TBA)

    • Focus on tooth resorption and stomatitis (TBA)

    • Closed and open tooth extraction (TBA)

    • Managing tooth extraction complications (TBA)

    • Perioperative considerations in dentistry (TBA)

    • Triaging dental and oral emergencies (TBA)

    • Small mammal and exotic animal dentistry (TBA)

  • Advanced classes

    • Periodontal surgery and bone grafting (TBA)

    • Vital, standard and surgical endodontics (TBA)

    • Restorations and prosthodontic crowns (TBA)

    • Orthodontic therapy for malocclusion (TBA)

    • Essentials of oral/maxillofacial CT (TBA) (OMFS; Advanced Imaging)

    • Management of oral/maxillofacial trauma (TBA) (OMFS)

    • Management of oral/maxillofacial tumors (TBA) (OMFS)

    • Palate surgery and palatal prosthetics (TBA) (OMFS)

    • Difficulty to open or close the mouth (TBA) (OMFS)

    • Management of salivary gland disorders (TBA) (OMFS)


Please book online or contact us for more information.

Anchor 11

For veterinary technicians/nurses and dental hygienists

  • Basic/intermediate/advanced classes (any other online events for veterinarians can of course also be attended)

    • Starting small animal dentistry - Free Webinar (TBA)

    • Ergonomics in the dental profession (TBA)

    • Maintenance of equipment in dentistry: Part 1 (TBA)

    • Maintenance of equipment in dentistry: Part 2 (TBA)

    • Common dental and oral pathology (TBA)

    • Oral examination and charting (TBA)

    • Dental radiography and interpretation (TBA)

    • Dental cleaning and periodontal therapy (TBA)

    • Home oral hygiene strategies (TBA)

    • Dental nerve blocks (regional analgesia) (TBA)

    • Focus on tooth resorption and stomatitis (TBA)

    • Perioperative considerations in dentistry (TBA)

    • Triaging dental and oral emergencies (TBA)

    • Small mammal and exotic animal dentistry (TBA)

    • Assisting with dentistry and oral surgery: Part 1 (TBA)

    • Assisting with dentistry and oral surgery: Part 2 (TBA)


Please book online or contact us for more information.

Anchor 4

Rounds and Journal Clubs (Online)

The educational experience in dentistry and oral surgery is enhanced by participation in case/topic rounds and journal clubs. A mixture of case-/topic-based learning, interactive discussion of clinical photographs and images of dental radiography and computed tomography, and article review provide opportunities for direct communication with the teacher. This may be of particular interest to residents by discussing pertinent scientific literature in preparation of the theoretical part of the AVDC and EVDC entry examination, but any veterinarian and technician is invited.


  • Clinical Rounds/Journal Clubs

    • TBA, or

    • TBA (same event as at 2PM ET)


  • Dental Radiography Interpretation Rounds

    • TBA, or

    • TBA (same event as at 2PM ET)


  • Reading Computed Tomography (CT) and Cone-Beam CT

    • TBA (OMFS; Advanced Imaging), or

    • TBA (OMFS; Advanced Imaging)


  • ÖGTZ Jour Fixe (auf Deutsch; Beginn um 20:00 Uhr MEZ) (Termine im Jahr 2024: 5. November; 10. Dezember; Termine im Jahr 2025: 21. Jaenner, 18. Februar, 18. Maerz, 15. April, 13. Mai, 17. Juni, 15. Juli, 12. August, 16. September, 14. Oktober, 11. November, 16. Dezember; werden Sie Mitglied der ÖGTZ [Österreich], DGT [Deutschland] oder SSVD [Schweiz], um an dieser monatlichen 2,5-Stunden Fortbildungsveranstaltung teilnehmen zu können)


Please book online or contact us for more information.

Anchor 5
Anchor 12

​​For veterinarians

These courses are 4 or 7 hours long and consist of a didactic presentation and hands-on practice:

  1. Oral examination, dental cleaning, and basic periodontal therapy (4 hours): Dental terminology, oral anatomy, and tooth numbering systems are discussed. Methods of performing a thorough oral examination are introduced, including that of extraoral and intraoral structures, teeth and periodontal tissues. Equipment and techniques used to scale and polish teeth are demonstrated. Home oral hygiene methods, including correct tooth brushing and appropriate use of dental diets, chews, treats and toys are discussed. Instrument sharpening is demonstrated, and basic techniques of gingival curettage and root planing are practiced.

  2. Dental radiology and radiographic interpretation (4 hours): Radiation safety/protection and dental x-ray equipment (machine and films, sensor pads, and phosphor plates) are reviewed. Patient positioning, exposure techniques (parallel, bisecting angle), film processing (developing and fixing) versus using digital systems, and image enhancement with software programs are demonstrated and practiced. Interpretation of various radiographic presentations of oral and dental disease is discussed.

  3. Regional anesthesia/analgesia and tooth extraction (7 hours): Nerve blocks used to provide regional anesthesia during dental and oral surgical procedures are demonstrated and practiced. Indications, contraindications, and mechanics of tooth extraction are discussed. Closed and open techniques used to extract single and multi-rooted teeth in dogs and cats and closure of extraction sites are reviewed, along with demonstration of needed dental burs, surgical instruments, and power equipment. Complications of tooth extraction and their management are discussed.

  4. Basic techniques of oral surgery (7 hours): Commonly performed minor oral surgical procedures are reviewed and practiced, including management of difficult tooth extractions, techniques for incisional and excisional oral biopsy, flaps for oronasal fistula repair, treatment of lip avulsion injury, circumferential wiring for mandibular symphyseal separation or parasymphysal fracture, and placement of nasoesophageal and esophagostomy feeding tubes.

  5. Management of dental and oral disease in small mammals (4 hours): Common dental and oral diseases of pet rodents (guinea pigs and chinchillas), lagomorphs (rabbits) and ferrets are reviewed, tooth extraction procedures are practiced, and periapical abscess management is discussed.


Please contact us for more information and fees.

Anchor 13

For veterinary technicians/nurses and dental hygienists

These courses are 4 or 7 hours long and consist of a didactic presentation and hands-on practice:

  1. Oral examination, dental cleaning, and basic periodontal therapy (4 hours): Dental terminology, oral anatomy, and tooth numbering systems are discussed. Methods of performing a thorough oral examination are introduced, including that of extraoral and intraoral structures, teeth and periodontal tissues. Equipment and techniques used to scale and polish teeth are demonstrated. Home oral hygiene methods, including correct tooth brushing and appropriate use of dental diets, chews, treats and toys are discussed. Instrument sharpening is demonstrated, and basic techniques of gingival curettage and root planing are practiced.

  2. Dental radiology and radiographic interpretation (4 hours): Radiation safety/protection and dental x-ray equipment (machine and films, sensor pads, and phosphor plates) are reviewed. Patient positioning, exposure techniques (parallel, bisecting angle), film processing (developing and fixing) versus using digital systems, and image enhancement with software programs are demonstrated and practiced. Interpretation of various radiographic presentations of oral and dental disease is discussed.

  3. Regional anesthesia/analgesia and assisting the veterinarian in dentistry and oral surgery (7 hours): Nerve blocks used to provide regional anesthesia during dental and oral surgical procedures are demonstrated and practiced. Other learning objectives include preparing the operating room and table, taking full-mouth impressions, obtaining a bite registration, making stone models, fabricating tape muzzles, performing feeding tube care, and maintaining instruments and equipment.


Please contact us for more information and fees.

Anchor 6

Workplace Coaching (Online and Hands-On)

This CE opportunity is for veterinarians and veterinary technicians that wish to receive customized training in the form of selected online didactic lectures and interactive sessions in dentistry and oral surgery, followed by clinical training at their own workplace which is given through structured one-on-one guidance while working on patients or practicing procedures on cadaver material. An agenda of items should be submitted so that specific goals can be met during the online sessions and coaching visits.


Please contact us for more information and fees.

Anchor 7

AVDC and EVDC Examination Preparation (Online and Hands-On)

​These training opportunities are made available for veterinarians interested in preparation for the AVDC or EVDC entry examination (theoretical and practical parts). Mock theory examination, procedure demonstration, and mock practical examination sessions are offered (or combinations of them as needed):

Anchor 14

Mock Theory Examination (Online)

A mock theory exam session consists of 100 four-part multiple-choice questions, which may be accompanied by images (photographs of instruments, clinical photographs, radiographs, CT images, etc.). Participants are allowed 2.5 hours to complete the exam, which is designed to assess the participant's knowledge of the scientific literature relevant to dentistry and oral surgery. The proportion of content closely follows that of the small animal phase 1 examination of the AVDC. The correct answers are revealed during a 2.5-hour discussion following the completion of the exam. Only the participants will know their exam performance. Unless stated otherwise, each exam is composed of entirely new questions.


  • Mock Theory Examination (Small Animal)

    • Saturday December 28 at 9AM ET


  • Mock Theory Examination (Equine)

    • TBA, or

    • TBA (same 100 questions as on TBA)


Please book online or contact us for more information.

Anchor 15

Procedure Discussion/Procedure Demonstration (Online and Hands-On)

A procedure discussion consists of discussing selected procedures in dentistry and oral surgery. This may be of particular interest to veterinarians that want to understand specific details of a procedure and residents preparing for the small animal practical exam of the AVDC or EVDC. Every step of a procedure performed on various teeth and regions in the mouth will be looked at in detail and discussed based on anticipated grading criteria.


  • Procedure Discussion (Endodontics) (TBA)

  • Procedure Discussion (Restorative Dentistry/Prosthodontics/Orthodontics) (TBA)

  • Procedure Discussion (Periodontics) (TBA)

  • Procedure Discussion (Oral Surgery) (TBA) (OMFS)


A procedure demonstration consists of demonstrating them on cadaver material. It takes about 3 demo days to cover all procedures that could possibly come to the small animal phase 2 examination of the AVDC. The observer can make notes, take photographs, ask questions, etc., while the procedures are demonstrated step-by-step and information is given on how they could be graded. If the observer takes photographs and videos, we retain copyright and request copies of them (the observer can use the materials for personal study purposes, but not for anything else without written permission).


  • Procedure Demonstration (Endodontics) (TBA)

  • Procedure Demonstration (Restorative Dentistry/Prosthodontics/Orthodontics) (TBA)

  • Procedure Demonstration (Oral Surgery) (TBA)

  • Procedure Demonstration (Periodontics) (TBA)


Please book online or contact us for more information.

Anchor 16

Mock Practical Examination (Hands-On)

The mock practical exam consists of procedures performed by the participant, which are graded to determine the participant's clinical technical skills in dentistry and oral surgery. Participants are allowed 2.5-3 hours (depending on the core discipline) to complete each pair of 2 core procedures (core disciplines: endodontics; restorative dentistry/prosthodontics/orthodontics; periodontics; and oral surgery). The participant will be given an exam handout and a dog/cat cadaver with prepared lesions. The participant will be using his/her own instruments and materials during the mock practical exam.


A mock practical exam is held at the Silo Academy Education Center in Chadds Ford, PA in March 2025 (exact date and link for further information and registration will be provided once available).

Anchor 8

Comparative Dentistry and Oral Surgery

This program offers students, teachers and researchers of human dentistry and oral surgery institutions an insight into comparative aspects of the specialty between humans and animals (particularly laboratory animals and other species that could function as animal models of human dental and oral disease research). It creates a network of veterinarians and their human counterparts (physicians, surgeons and dentists), thus building social capital by stimulating future collaborations and deepening existing partnerships between people with common interests.


Please contact us for more information and fees.

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